Methods, endpoints and parameters of the RingCentral API

Last updated: 2024-07-22Contributors
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This guide describes the fundamentals of the RingCentral API and is a useful to developers wishing to understand its conventions and usage guidelines.

Resources and parameters

Every entity in the RingCentral API is represented with a certain resource identified by a specific URI. The structure of a URI is similar to that of a web page's URL. The URI syntax is represented by the following scheme:

<protocol> :// <hostname> [: <port>] / <path> [? <query>] [# <fragment>]

Name Description
protocol The networking protocol (http or https protocols are generally used in REST).
hostname The server network address information.
port The TCP port where the server listens for incoming requests. If omitted, the default value is used for a given protocol.
path A resource identification, typically hierarchical by nature, e.g. foo/bar/baz.
query An optional part separated by a question mark (?) and contains additional identification information that is not hierarchical in nature. The query string syntax is organized as a sequence of key-value pairs separated by an ampersand. Not all API resources allow query parameters.
fragment An optional part separated from the rest by a hash (#) and that contains additional information redirecting to a secondary resource; for example, a section heading of an article identified by the URI. The RingCentral REST API does not use fragments.

Protocol, host and port together constitute the main entry point to access the API.

RingCentral production servers are accessible on Please note that for security reasons connection is allowed using only HTTPS protocol to the default HTTPS port 443, so the port can be omitted in the URI.

All of RingCentral's API resources are organized in a hierarchical manner. All resource paths start with /restapi followed by the version number of the API you are accessing. Let's consider a typical API resource URI:

Path parameters are commonly used in the RingCentral API to identify a particular entity belonging to a given type by its unique key. Since most of the API resources represent some objects which are owned by particular a RingCentral account (company) or user, two basic path parameters are accountId and extensionId. As you might expect, they identify the account and extension of a RingCentral user, accordingly, and are bolded in the example above.

Extension numbers versus IDs

RingCentral users associate an account with the company main phone number and an extension with the short extension number, but both accountId and extensionId are internal identifiers.

Developers often need to access a particular resource on behalf of the user whose credentials (phone number, extension number and password) were transmitted during the authentication phase. As a shortcut, one can use the tilde symbol (~) in place of the accountId and/or extensionId to access data that belongs to the account/extension of the entity one is currently authenticated as. Considering the example above, if the user successfully authenticated to work with account "159048008" and extension "171857008" the URI to retrieve the same resource may be written as follows:

Depending upon the API, additional path parameters may exist. They are described extensively in the API Reference.

Query Parameters

Another kind of parameter you will come across in the RingCentral API is a query parameter. Query parameters are generally used in object retrieval operations and let the consumer specify the filtering criteria, the desired level of details, etc. Query parameter values in the URL have to be encoded according to RFC-1738: Uniform Resource Locators. Query parameters support setting multiple values. It is possible to specify several values for a single query parameter, and filtering results will cover all of them. For example, this functionality is applied to retrieve or remove lists of messages and records.


Let's consider the examples below to illustrate the API resources and parameters. For simplicity reasons, we will exclude protocol and host values from the URIs in the examples.

  • Get service plan information for RingCentral customer account (accountId will be automatically determined from authentication data):


  • Get all SMS messages from a mailbox of account user (extensionId is specified explicitly):


  • Get all SMS and Pager messages from a mailbox of account user:



In the RingCentral API, as in any REST API, the resources are accessible by standard HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. These methods form a uniform CRUD interface expanded as "create, retrieve, update and delete".

Method Description
GET Retrieves the object represented by the resource that is specified in the request body. It may be the call log information for an extension, the address book with contacts, etc.
POST Creates a new object represented by the resource that is specified in the request. In the response body the server sends the representation of the created object, as if there is an immediate GET request for it.
PUT Modifies an already existing object represented by the resource that is specified in the request body, by replacing the existing resource with the resource defined in the request body. If the object was successfully modified, the server responds with the representation of the changed resource in the response body. The request body may contain only the modified properties of the resource. The response returns the entire resource representation with all of the properties, as in case of the GET request.
PATCH Modifies an already existing object represented by the resource that is specified in the request body by modifying only those properties contained within the request body. Any property not explicitly referenced in the request body will be left unaltered. In this way, patching a resource is similar to a partial update of that resource.
DELETE Removes the object represented by the resource that is specified in the request body.


Let's consider a simple example of a GET method — retrieving the version of the RingCentral REST API.

GET /restapi/v1.0 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer UExxxxxxxxMnzpdvtYYNWMSJ7CL8h0zM6q6a9ntw
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "uri" : "https.../restapi/",
  "apiVersions" : [ {
    "uri" : "https.../restapi/v1.0",
    "versionString" : "1.0.9",
    "releaseDate" : "2013-12-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "uriString" : "v1.0"
  } ],
  "serverVersion" : "",
  "serverRevision" : "294476"

Don't assume all methods are supported

Most RingCentral API resources do not support all of the four methods. In order to find out which resources support a particular method, please refer to the API Reference.

Method Tunneling

Sometimes, due to different technical/networking limitations, API clients cannot issue all HTTP methods. In the most severe case a client may be restricted to GET and POST methods only. To work around this situation the RingCentral API provides a mechanism for masquerading (or "tunneling") PUT and DELETE methods as a POST. This can be achieved in two ways:

X-HTTP-Method-Override header

Using X-HTTP-Method-Override the client instructs the server to override the actual value of the HTTP method by one passed in this header. For example, the following request:

DELETE /restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/message-store/4084362008 HTTP/1.1

Can be alternatively sent as:

POST /restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/message-store/4084362008 HTTP/1.1
X-HTTP-Method-Override: DELETE

The "_method" query parameter

In really unfortunate circumstances some clients do not even support HTTP headers. Therefore, one additional way one can override the method name is via the _method query parameter. For example:

POST /restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/message-store/4084362008?_method=DELETE HTTP/1.1

If both the override header and query parameter are specified in the HTTP request and contain different values, the server returns HTTP 400 Bad Request error.

Tunneling HTTP methods should be used only when no other workaround is available.

Each HTTP method has its own characteristics, such as how it is cached -- which HTTP clients and intermediaries expect. When tunneling these methods through HTTP POST, those expectations can no longer be met.

User Agent Identification

It is strongly recommended that client applications provide the User-Agent HTTP header with every request, which should contain the key information about the requesting application, including application name, version, OS/platform name and version, etc. For browser-based (JavaScript) applications it is usually not possible to override the user agent string which is sent by browser. But other types of applications (desktop, mobile and server-side) can easily follow this recommendation.

There are three primary rules when setting the User Agent:

  1. Clients should send the User-Agent header and value with each request.
  2. A particular application instance should send the exact same user agent string in all API requests.
  3. The format of user agent value should follow the convention described below.

We recommend using a short application name and version delimited by forward slash character and optionally followed by additional details about this client instance in parentheses (e.g. operating system name, version, revision number, etc.).

For example:

  • RCMobile/3.6.0 (RingCentral; Android/2.6; rev.12345)
  • RCMobile/3.6.1 (OfficeAtHand; iOS/6.0; rev.987654)
  • Softphone/

The User-Agent string format is described in RFC 1945 and RFC 2068.